
World of warships clan recruiter rank
World of warships clan recruiter rank

world of warships clan recruiter rank

The game does not allow us to change permission settings, or rename ranks ourselves as a work-around.

world of warships clan recruiter rank

Line officer and commissioned officer don't do anything different than midshipman by permissions. Line officers and commissioned officers cannot start clan battle divisions, so we basically need a clan with a bunch of "recruiters" that don't actually do any recruiting, they only have that title because they need it to start CB divisions. Why is "recruiter" Rank 3? It makes no sense. Is this on the low priority list? I know it's been brought up several times in the past on the WG forum.If Donegali, or a Dev may know the answer to this, it would be much appreciated. Days are missing, and some days are listed more than once. On a side note - when clicking clan preferences to set the days we are active or do clan battles, the options to check or uncheck are as follows: Sunday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Saturday. The best fix is to simply allow clans to name their own ranks, and let us set our own permissions by checkbox for each of the ranks. Recruiter shouldn't even be an officer-like position, but it is - because its position 3 at the top with a star on the anchor, and they have clan battle division permissions instead of officers. We cannot do this with the restricted preset options available. We want to have 1 commander, 2 EO's, and the line / commissioned officers are promotions based on attendance, skill, initiative, and tenure. Tanks and Warplanes got much better treatment in this department. If Donegali, or a Dev may know the answer to this, it would be much appreciated.

World of warships clan recruiter rank